You've joined a growing community of over 35,000 travel agencies worldwide, and we are happy you are here.
At Expedia TAAP, we work with businesses like yours to achieve your objectives. Our goal is to help you grow your business and build a loyal and happy customer base. With our variety of quality travel products, from properties to travel experiences, we have what it takes to be your perfect travel partner.
What to expect from your Expedia partner!
Worldwide supply for any travel need
3 million + properties in 200+ countries.
- 35+ types of properties, including vacation rentals.
- 500+ airlines, including low-cost carriers.
- 175+ car rental companies in 3,000+ locations.
200,000+ activities, including tours & attractions
Impressive rates and last-minute availability
- 650,000+ promotional rates.
- Package Rates offer an average of 20% off.
- Last-minute deals right up to the moment of check-in.
A world-class booking experience for agents
- Make a booking in under two minutes.
- Create and send traveler quotes in under a minute.
- Modify reservations online with our virtual agent or live agent chat.
Account support when you need it
- You could benefit from the support and knowledge of our outstanding account managers.
- Thousands of highly trained customer service professionals provide specialist support to agents and travelers.
Increasing commission & rewards
- Our tier system rewards your agency for making bookings; the more booking your agency makes, the more earning potential you have.
- Get paid on the gross amount of the trip - including taxes and fees.
- If you're based in the US, you also get access to our agent rewards program.